Review: Macpac Pitch 35 litre backpack

Macpac are a well-known brand of outdoor gear, especially backpacks. Their Macpac Pitch is a 35 litre bag aimed at the winter walker and scrambler, but is it also good for the regular hill-walker? We do all of these things, so we thought we’d find out!

It’s robust

The first thing you notice about the Pitch is that it’s tough – the fabric just feels strong and durable. It’s the opposite of the trend towards ultralight gear, which can sometimes be flimsy, and sits firmly in the ‘bombproof and heavy’ category, weighing in at over 1.6kg.

This is something definitely in its favour as a mountain walker’s backpack. It’s reassuring to walk with, knowing that the seams aren’t in danger of tearing, and that you could probably drop it off a few cliffs before it even got a mark on it.

The robustness of the fabric also means that the bag doesn’t lose shape and sag around when it’s not full. It remains firm on your back, meaning you can comfortably go for a walk when you’re using less than the 35 litre capacity.


The features are great

The double straps on each side of the bag are perfect for carrying walking poles, or an ice axe, and the side pockets can comfortably fit a water bottle. The elastic on the back, designed for crampons, can also be used to stash a jumper or waterproof jacket for quick access.

The large interior is a no-fuss space where kit can comfortably be shoved, and the two pockets in the lid are a great size for useful accessories – phones, gloves, wallet and head-torch.

It’s comfortable

The attention to durability has also led to excellent cushioning on the waist and shoulder straps. The issue with some light-weight gear is that these straps can be too thin, digging into you if your bag is heavy. Not so with the Pitch – the waist strap especially is substantial, giving you a comfortable carry even with a heavy load.

So what’s the verdict?

At first thought you may not think this is a great summer day-walking pack – it’s heavy, big, and has attachments for gear you may never need. But actually the features make it more versatile, allowing it to be used comfortably even when not full, and allowing you to pack it full of kit for those cold days, or when you have a group shelter to carry. The extra space is also useful for things like camera equipment, or just a large lunch! The robust nature of the bag is definitely something to give you confidence, and means it’ll last for many years of happy mountain walking.


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