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Isle of Mull - 4 Things Not To Miss

1. Coastal Walks

The coastline of the Isle of Mull varies between rocky volcanic headlands, pristine sandy beaches and cliffs. Along much of this coast are spectacular walks, where you can gaze out at the Atlantic and at the many islands surrounding Mull, as well as back to the mainland. You could find yourself walking along a rocky shore watching the sunset over the sea, or paddling in the warm water off one of the beaches.

Mull’s undulating coast means there are plenty of sea lochs to explore, where the sea comes far inland, and accessible islands lying just offshore that are only a quick hop away. There are a series of dedicated walking trails in a lot of the most scenic locations, meaning exploring the coast is easier than ever.

2. Seals and Eagles

Mull is famous for its wildlife, and has a huge number of different species we’ll have a high chance of seeing. Both species of eagle found in Scotland (golden and white tailed) are present on Mull, and in the waters you’re likely to see seals, and if you’re really lucky, sea otters. It’s definitely an exciting thing to do to head out for dawn or dusk to watch these elusive animals as they scamper about the shore.

Beyond this charismatic wildlife, there are plenty of other species to watch out for too, including red deer, and of course the wildflowers and native trees that call the island home.

3. Island Life

You can’t escape the hospitality and wide range of places to visit and things to do on Mull. The famous multi-coloured harbour front of Tobermory is a picture-postcard image you’ll instantly recognise, and other villages on the island are in an idyllic setting, nestled away in protected areas of the coast. Alongside pubs and cafés, which you should definitely make the most of while you’re out exploring, there’s the Tobermory Whisky distillery, ice cream parlours, and bay-side fish and chip stalls – all serving some of the best food and drink in Scotland.

4. Holy Islands and History

There’s plenty of history to be found on Mull, no more so than the Isle of Iona, just a (very) short ferry trip away and hosting a nunnery and an abbey. One of the holiest sites in Scotland, Iona also has an excellent walking trail to help you discover what life was like there.

Historical sites of interest stretch right over the mainland too. There are castles, ancient settlements and forts, revealing what life has been like on Mull for thousands of years, and adding an incredible story to the backdrop of our wanders.

If this all excites you, then why not book onto our guided week on the Isle of Mull.

Discover our Isle of Mull - Adventure & Explore week.